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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Body Fat Loss - Burn Fat For Body Weight Loss

Everyone in this world wants to lose some extra pounds of body fat and get into shape. The first thing they all do is to make large reductions to the amount of food that they eat and place extreme restrictions on their caloric intake.

Eating less food in order to decrease calories is not a good choice because body need nutrition in order to carry out all functions. When you deprive your body of the calories and nutrients it requires, you begin storing more body fat while simultaneously losing muscle mass.

Here are some tips that you can follow for perfect body fat loss: Decrease your calories intake by 15 - 20 % lower than what is needed to maintain you current weight, it will boost your metabolism, helps you to preserve your muscle mass and also gives you long lasting results. Try to eat less but frequently, means rather than eating 2 or 3 heavy meals 2 or 3 times. Try to eat 5 - 6 times a day; this will speed up your metabolism which helps you to lose excess body fat.

Eating little but frequent meals will increase your energy level throughout the day, control your blood sugar levels and food cravings, and improve the efficiency of your body's digestive system. Drink plenty of water through out the day. Increase your daily physical activities. Try to maintain a diet note book, note each and everything that you eat or drink. Try to eat slowly because your body is slow to register when you are full and it is easy to eat too much if you are racing through your meals. Never skip your meal.

Drink green tea as it increases your metabolism and oxidizes fat without raising heart rates. Balance your fat intake for the day .1/3 should come from saturated fats, 1/3from mono unsaturated fats, and1/3 from poly unsaturated fats. Consume at least 25 - 30 grams of fibers every day.

Do not try to achieve quick fat loss goals as 'slow and steady wins the race.'

For More Related Topics Blog: Weightloss Vitamins

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