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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ehpedra For Allergies And Weight Loss

Growing in inner Mongolia, ma huang, has been helping and healing various ailments for at least 4,000 years. The two alkaloids, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, are used in both cold and allergy medicines, as well as weight loss supplements.

Ephedrine seems to speed up the metabolism and, according to some experts, burn fat. That internal warming can also increase energy and stamina in some individuals. The reason ephedrine can be useful in weight loss is in its ability to suppress appetite and speed up the metabolism at the same time.

Ephedrine can also act as an effective decongestant, and has been a popular ingredient in many over the counter cold and allergy medicines. Experts say that the same chemical reactions that cause a person's metabolism to speed up can be directly related to those bronchial passage ways being cleared up.

Whether you are interested in Ehpedra for weight loss or to help relive the symptoms of colds and allergies, be sure and follow instructions included with the product. Anyone with high blood pressure or thyroid disease should use ehpedra-based products under a health care practitioner's supervision, and take only the recommended doseage.

In his book, Herb Bible, Dr. Earl Mindell notes the Ephedra can relive stuffy noses, watery eyes and other cold and allergy symptoms. Dr. Mindell recommends a cup of Ephedra tea or two capsules daily, to relieve such symptoms.

To learn more about using Ephedra-based products to help suppress appetite and burn fat, go to =>Netnutri.com [http://www.netnutri.com/browse.cfm/2,226.html]

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